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Fresh Perspective

I want to bring a fresh perspective to the issues facing our communities and to stand up for the values that make our country great. As a non-politician, a Veteran and a Special Education Teacher, I am committed to putting people over politics and to working towards common-sense solutions that benefit everyone.


Bi-Partisan Cooperation

As a Moderate I believe in the importance of bi-partisan cooperation and working towards common goals that benefit all members of our community.


Support for Police and First Responders

I stand for increased funding and support for the police and all first responders.  We recognize the invaluable role that these individuals play in keeping our communities and schools safe and believe that they should have the necessary resources and support to do their jobs effectively and meet the needs of the people they serve.


Woman’s Reproductive Rights

I believe that women have the right to make their own choices about their bodies without government interference. I support pro-choice policies that ensure that women have control over their own healthcare decisions.


Gun Safety

I am a gun owner who supports extensive background checks and red flag laws to protect our communities, especially our children and grandchildren.  We need to promote safety and accountability to create a society where individuals can live and thrive without fear of violence or harm.


Supporting Public Education

We need to commit to increased funding and support for public education and teacher training. I recognize the critical role that education plays in shaping the future of our society and believe that we must invest in our schools and teachers to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. Parents have the right to restrict what their children are exposed to, but banning books may not be the solution.


Funding for Mental Health

I support increased funding for mental health programs, which will assist our police and schools in ensuring that those who need help will get it.


A Culture of Respect

I am committed to promoting a culture of mutual respect and understanding, where individuals can live and learn without fear of violence or discrimination.  The importance of maintaining law and order while upholding the rights of all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs is critical. I strongly stand against political extremism and election deniers and am committed to upholding the integrity of or democratic process.


Support for Military and Veterans

I unequivocally support our military and veterans, who are our heroes.  I oppose all forms of dictatorial leadership and countries who seek to overthrow democratically elected governments. I agree with those who believe confronting aggression whether it comes from Russia, China, or more locally, needs to be a vital part of our foreign and domestic policy to keep us and our allies safe.


Support for Ukraine

I believe that America is about standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. We need to continue to support the brave people of Ukraine and stand up for the values that make our country great. Together, we can then build a better, more just society that benefits everyone.

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